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Barnes & Noble Booksellers

Barnes & Noble Booksellers

Best Barnes & Noble Booksellers - magazine publish

Founded in 1873, Barnes & Noble is one of the largest booksellers in the United States and a Fortune 500 company. The company maintains more than 800 bookstores throughout the country. It operates an online channel that offers an option for the in-stock selection of in-print book titles. Barnes & Noble serves more than 8 million customers per year. In addition, the company attends over 4,000 customer service requests per day. It sells nearly 300 million books per year and is known to be one of the largest coffeehouses in the U.S. Barnes & Noble has publishing and distribution rights for more than 10,000 titles. In addition, the company hosts over 100,000 community events in the U.S. Maintaining a location in Lincoln, Neb., Barnes & Noble s stores also carry a collection of videos, DVDs, CDs and magazines. .



Contact Information

2910 Pine Lake Rd Lincoln, NE 68516
Business Hours
Mon - Sat: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm Sun: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Zip/Post Code
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Author Info

Andrew Munin

Member since 5 years ago
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