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Becoming a nurse is a rewarding career choice, and the Nursing Licensure Compact (NLC) is a crucial development that affects the profession. The NLC has been put in place to allow nurses to work in different states with the same license, and it has the potential to revolutionize the way nurses work. This compact provides nurses with greater mobility and the opportunity to work in multiple states and can open more doors to new career opportunities. With the NLC, nurses no longer have to worry about the tedious process of having to apply for licensure in other states if they want to work in a different area. This is an important step in promoting the mobility of nurses, and it can have positive implications for your career. In this article, we will provide an overview of the Nursing Licensure Compact: what it means, how it will affect your career, and what you need to know about it.

What is the Nursing Licensure Compact?

The Nursing Licensure Compact is an agreement between states to recognize each other’s nursing licenses. The main goal of the NLC is to allow nurses to continue practicing in another state with their current licensure. The NLC is a voluntary agreement that states can enter into.

Benefits of the Nursing Licensure Compact

What is the basic nursing licensure compact? Greater mobility for nurses: The NLC will allow nurses to work in other states with their current license, making it easier to move to another state if you need to. This will help to address the current nursing shortage, as it will make it easier for nurses to find work in other states and regions. – More opportunities: The NLC is expected to help create more opportunities for nurses to find jobs, as employers will be able to hire from a larger pool of applicants. This will help to address the nursing shortage, and it will also allow you to find work in a new state.

How does the Nursing Licensure Compact work?

Let’s read more about nursing licensure compact. The NLC will allow nurses to work in other states with only one license. To work in another state with your current license, you would need to be part of that state’s compact. There are two types of compacts: – Interstate/statewide compacts: This type of compact allows nurses to work in any state that is part of the compact. It is important to note that not all states have signed on to this type of compact. – Intrastate compacts: This type of compact allows nurses to work in any state that is part of the compact, but only within the state where the nurse is licensed. – Interstate compacts are the most important development in the history of nursing licensure. Through the NLC, nurses may be able to continue practicing in any state that is part of the compact using their current license. – The NLC aims to establish a single licensing process for nurses in all participating states, and it also aims to create a single nursing identity. Through the NLC, nurses will be able to use their single licensure to practice in any state that is part of the compact.


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What states are part of the Nursing Licensure Compact?

Currently, 20 states are part of the Nursing Licensure Compact: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, South Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin.

What implications does the Nursing Licensure Compact have for your career?

The NLC has the potential to revolutionize the way nurses work, and it can have positive implications for your career. With the NLC, you can work in different states with the same license, which means that you no longer have to worry about the tedious process of having to apply for licensure in other states if you want to work in a different area. – This compact provides you with greater mobility and the opportunity to work in multiple states and can open more doors to new career opportunities. – You will have more options when it comes to choosing where you want to work. You can choose to work in another state with your current license, or you can work in a new state where you have always wanted to work.

Nursing Licensure Compact

What do you need to know about the Nursing Licensure Compact?

– The states that are part of the NLC will likely change in the future, as the compact is a voluntary agreement. This means that not all states will be part of the compact in the future, and some states that are part of the compact now may decide to leave the compact in the future. – Not all states have signed on to the NLC, and it is important to note that the NLC is not a federal law. This means that not all states will be required to follow the terms of the NLC, and it also means that some states may never sign on to the NLC. – If you want to work in a compact state, you will need to obtain a nursing license from that state. The state that you obtain your nursing license from will determine the requirements that you must meet to become a nurse.


What US states are included in the Enhanced Nurse Licensure Compact (eNLC)?

Here’s a comprehensive listing of all states currently impacted by multi-state compact licensing.


The Nursing Licensure Compact is an important development that affects the profession. The NLC has been put in place to allow nurses to work in different states with the same license, and it has the potential to revolutionize the way nurses work. This compact provides nurses with greater mobility and the opportunity to work in multiple states, and can open more doors to new career opportunities. With the NLC, nurses no longer have to worry about the tedious process of having to apply for licensure in other states if they want to work in a different area. This is an important step in promoting the mobility of nurses, and it can have positive implications for your nursing career. With the NLC, your career can reach new heights.

Whether you are an aspiring nurse, a nursing student, or a seasoned professional in the field, the Nursing Licensure Compact (NLC) is something you need to be aware of. The NLC is a groundbreaking agreement between states that allows nurses to practice in multiple states with just one license. It is a great opportunity for nurses to gain more experience and practice in multiple states without the hassle of applying for multiple licenses. With the NLC in place, nurses can now practice in multiple states without worrying about legal hurdles or additional paperwork. This article will provide an overview of the NLC, what it means for your career, and how you can benefit from it. We hope that by the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of the NLC and how it can help you take your career to the next level.

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